世大運》選手餐廳登場 EAT起迎接世大運

為了迎接上萬名選手飲食需求,世大運選手餐廳擁有多達3,500座位,供應世界五大菜系,近 700 名實習生加入服務行列,每日將提供 35,000 ~ 40,000 份餐點,連續20小時營運不間斷,還有臺灣特色小吃,要讓各地選手體驗道地美食,你想推薦什麼臺灣美食給各國的選手呢 ?
更多選手村餐廳 https://goo.gl/rbnWE3
快來安排觀賽日程 https://goo.gl/BeWhh7
購票進場熱血應援 http://tickets.2017.taipei
The Athletes’ Village Dining Hall
The AV Dining Hall menu has been published on the official website in the section of “AV Dining Hall”. We welcome all interested to check up.
AV Dining Hall https://goo.gl/2xfhDL
Competition Schedule https://goo.gl/BeWhh7
Tickets http://tickets.2017.taipei

